Sugar Free French Toast Recipes (Keto, Low Carb)

Do you want to be in on the secret of the best sugar free french toast recipes in the whole world? Well then, you’ve come to the right place.

This sugar free french toast recipe will not only blow you away, but it’ll also hook you so hard you’ll have a hard time shaking the urge to whip up a batch for yourself every day.

It’ll also make you a bit selfish, as you will try your best to keep everything for yourself.

Keto French Toast Ingredients:

The Beauty of Family Recipes

I think you’ve seen the pattern that doesn’t seem at all like a pattern. I’ve been putting up recipes of my favorites for a while now and I was wondering if you guys caught on.

Well, I have a bit of a thing with food. It’s a love affair. But since there is no guilt, only pleasure, our relationship is more married than on the side.

This sugar free french toast recipe is like a beautiful memory- I always take it out to make it whenever I need a pick me up.

Or whenever I feel like it, too. It’s one of my favorites to make, not just to eat. There is something soothing to the whole process. It’s like muscle memory.

I remember, when I was younger, the mornings when my mom taught me how to make this delectable breakfast.

The light coming through the window. My mother’s laugh whenever I said something that amused her; and my utter delight at being considered old enough to make breakfast for the whole family.

It was one of the best memories I had in my childhood.

I didn’t give birth to my sugar free french toast casserole alone. It was one of the many things my mother taught me.

I just made it keto, to tailor it to my diet, and to share it to other people, keto or not. It’s a beautiful memory, and a wonderfully delightful food.

It’s like a balm soothing my soul, if that makes sense.

My Favorite Store Bought Keto Bread

My keto french toast is simple enough. The only real difference is the bread.

Before, at the onset of my keto diet, I had a hard time looking for low carb bread. Now though, there is an abundance of options (thank God).

My favorite to use is this SOLA low carb bread. It isn’t at all how other people imagine keto bread should be.

For one, it doesn’t taste like cardboard. And it’s not limp either. It’s rich, fluffy and just flat out better than many keto breads I’ve tried.

If you haven’t tried them, I recommend you check them out! Here’s the link:

4 Steps to Turn it into a Sugar Free French Toast Casserole

I use Sola Bread in my sugar free french toast casserole and it becomes more than just low carb bread.

It turns into this tasty breakfast food that is somehow able to magically conjure happier times and beautiful memories.

To turn this recipe into a keto french toast casserole follow these simple steps:

  1. Triple the Recipe Card ingredients

  2. Cut the bread slices into small squares and place them in a prepared baking pan.

  3. Pour the liquid egg mixture over the bread pieces and bake at 350F for 35-40 minutes or until golden brown at the top.

  4. Add your favorite toppings and enjoy!

A Sweet Tooth’s Keto Journey

This sugar free french toast recipe is just one in my new collection of keto sweet breakfast ideas.

After all, breakfast can be an important part of our day too (especially when making french toast!).

Having thoroughly enjoyed my keto sweet breakfast ideas, I can say with conviction that it helped me achieve my body goals.

Being a sweet tooth and a huge breakfast fan is part of my identity and I wasn’t going to let that go just because of the keto diet.

This is why creating delicious breakfast recipes was one of my priorities in maintaining the keto lifestyle and helping me reach my body goals.

And not only did it help me, physically, it has also aided me in my quest to find joy in my now so guilty pleasures in this life

Food frees me. So, no caring about the amount nor the calories it’s even more freeing!

This is why I love the keto diet! I love that I can turn my favorite breakfast, meals and desserts into their delicious keto versions.

I love being able to eat a lot without guilt. I love the way food not only satiates my physical hunger, but also my spirit. It lifts me up!

Especially when being able to share my favorite keto sweet breakfast ideas with you.

Topping Options in Sugar Free French Toast Recipes 

When I decide to share my keto french toasts with my friends it disappears immediately, which is why I don’t do it often ( just kidding 😉 ). In any case, they say it is super delicious, no matter what toppings I decide to put on.

Sometimes it’s whip cream- other times its sugar free maple syrup, or my all-time favorite ChocZero hazelnut spread.

Sometimes I’m just in the mood for fresh berries with my french toast and keep it on the side for a refreshing bite.

The takeaway here is that it doesn’t matter what topping you decide to adorn your french toasts with as most of the time you’ll end up eating the whole thing before you can even decide.

It’s seriously a must-have keto breakfast for any day of the week!

What are you waiting for? Get yourself some keto bread and try these sugar free french toast recipes. I’m dying to know what you think!

Share Your Results! 

I hope you enjoy making this keto french toast recipe as much as I did. If you make this recipe, please let me know how it turned out! 

I absolutely love to see your creations! If you happen to make one of the recipes, would really love to see it 😍 ! Just use the hashtag #sweetketolife, tag me on @sweetketolife, or just let me know by comment!

Sweet recipes you might like: 

Sugar Free French Toast Recipes (Keto, Low Carb)

Yaidy Santiago
This sugar free french toast recipe will not only blow you away, it’ll also hook you so hard you’ll have a hard time shaking the urge to whip up a batch for yourself everyday.
Prep Time 5 mins
Cook Time 10 mins
Course Breakfast, Dessert
Cuisine keto, low carb, refined sugar free
Servings 1


  • 2 tbsp unsweetened almond milk
  • 1/4 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/4 tsp cinnamon powder
  • 2 slices Keto bread
  • 2 tbsp unsalted butter for cooking
  • 1 tbsp ChocZero keto hazelnut spread


  • In a medium-size bowl, whisk together 1 egg, 2 tablespoons of unsweetened almond milk, ¼ tsp of vanilla extract, and ¼ tsp of cinnamon powder.
  • Place two slices of bread into the mixture for 30 seconds to 1 minute to soak up the liquid.
  • Prepare your skillet with 2 tablespoons of unsalted butter in medium heat.
  • Place your soaked bread slices into the pan and cook each side for 4-5 minutes or until golden brown.
  • Serve with your favorite toppings and Enjoy!


To turn this recipe into a Keto French Toast Casserole follow these simple steps:
  1. Triple the Recipe Card ingredients
  2. Cut the bread slices into small squares and place them in a prepared baking pan.
  3. Pour the liquid egg mixture over the bread pieces and bake at 350F for 35-40 minutes or until golden brown at the top.
  4. Add your favorite toppings and enjoy!
Keyword bread, french toast, hazelnut spread, sweet breakfast

Yaidy Santiago

Former collegiate volleyball player that loves to cook and try new healthy recipes. My boyfriend and I follow a strict keto diet and I challenge myself to make delicious low-carb foods that we both enjoy every day!

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